Dharma Leksana, S.Th., M.Si. Ketua DPP Bidang Komunikasi, Ketua Umum Partai IBU Dr. Dr. Zulki Zulkifli Noor, ST., SH., MH., M.Kn., MM. dan Sekjen Partai IBU Ir. H. Agus Budiono.
Jakarta, Bawaslu RI has determined not to follow up on the IBU Party’s (Partai IBU) report in the trial of the decision on the administrative dispute case with the RI KPU with Report Number 003/LP/PL/ADM/RI/00.00/VIII/2022 which was considered by many to be a failure. Friday (9/9).
This was confirmed by the Chairman of the Central Executive Board of the Partai IBU , Dharma Leksana, S.Th., M.Si. that it is not true that the Indonesia Bangkit Bersatu Party or the Partai IBU has failed miserably to participate in the 2024 election contestation to the media crew at the Secretariat Office of the Central Executive Board of the Partai IBU in the Cempaka Putih area, Central Jakarta, Monday 19 September 2022.
Dharma Leksana as Chair of the communication and media division of the DPP Partai IBU said, “For the IBU Party the results of the Bawaslu RI decision have even become a strong legal EVIDENCE tool for cases in the Administrative Court and should be known apart from the lawsuit to the Administrative Court which we registered on September 14, 2022 after Bawaslu read out the decision of the case Report Number 003/LP/PL/ADM/RI/00.00/VIII/2022 which decided that the RI KPU had complied with the procedure and did not commit a violation on September 9, 2022.We on September 1, 2022 have submitted a Request for Judicial Review to the General Election Commission Regulation Number 4 of 2022 concerning Registration, Verification, and Determination of Political Parties Participating in the General Election of Members of the People’s Representative Council and Regional People’s Representative Council (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2022 Number 680) against Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections General (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2017 Number 182), Law Number 2 of 2011 concerning Amendments to Law Number 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties, Juncto Law Number 2 of 2008 concerning Political Parties and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and registration of the IBU Party has been officially registered in the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, this must be It can be seen that from the beginning the IBU Party was ready to stand as a PARTY that obeys the law and understands the rules of law.” He explained.

Based on the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the Jakarta Administrative Court, Monday (19/9/2022), the lawsuit has been registered with number 314/G/2022/PTUN.JKT. Sitting as plaintiff Dr. Dr. Zulki Zulkifli Noor, ST., SH., MH., M.Kn., MM., and the defendants of the KPU.
Dr. Dr. Zulki Zulkifli Noor, ST., SH., MH., M.Kn., MM. is the Chairperson of the IBU Party who holds 2 Doctoral degrees, namely as a Doctor in Administrative Law and at the same time holds a Doctorate in Economics.

Dr. (Cand.) Erlangga Lubai, SH., MH. as the recipient of the power of attorney to file a lawsuit in the Administrative Court said, “The IBU Party is ready to participate in the 2024 election, we as a political party that has been OFFICIALly incorporated and ratified by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia must have complete requirements according to Law no. 7 of 2017, but in reality the RI KPU did not pass the IBU Party even just to register for various unreasonable procedural reasons that they made. For this injustice, we have taken various legal channels to resolve this dispute,” he said.
The following is the Petition of Patai IBU:
- Declaring that the IBU Party (Indonesian Rising United Party) meets the requirements for the registration of political parties as candidates for general election contestants
- Canceling the REGISTRATION MODEL PARTY PARTY Letter with the Title of Return of Data and Documents Requirements for Registration of Political Parties as Candidates for General Elections
- Canceling the Sipol as a determinant of the fulfillment of the Registration Requirements for the United Indonesia Bangkit Bersatu Party (IBU Party) as a Candidate for General Elections
- Systematically canceling the administration of the registration of the United Indonesia Bangkit Bersatu (IBU Party) as a Candidate for General Election Contestants contained in the Sipol both regarding the minimum requirements and the determination of the Regency/City and District determined by the Indonesian KPU and still referring to Article 177 of Law 7/2017 about the General Election
- Punish the Defendant to pay the court fees arising in this case.
“For the first trial at the Jakarta Administrative Court, it should be noted that Thursday, September 22, 2022, let’s work together to guard this trial so that it runs properly,” he concluded.

(Adil sadana/Ed.)